Inglês – Lição 12 – Singular and Plural Nouns

Occupations – Profissões!



licao 12 singular and plural nouns 1


     Observe que a maioria dos Substantivos que estão no plural terminam em -s ou -es.

Snacks – Lanches!




licao 12 singular and plural nouns 2


singer: singers

hamburguer: hambuguers

ice cream: ice creams

musician: musicians

athlete: athletes

apple: apples

tennis player: tennis players

egg: eggs

Vocabulário – Vocabulary! Cores básicas!

blue – azul

white – branco

red – vermelho

brown – marrom

yellow – amarelo

black – preto

orange – laranja

Sentences – Plural and Singular

1 What color is it? It’s yellow.   

2 What color are they? They’re green.

3 What color is it? It’s red.

4  What color are they?They’re blue.    



licao 12 singular and plural nouns 3



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